
Additional Guided Learning Hours

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St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

From September 2022, The Department for Education has provided schools with funding for additional Guided Learning Hours for all Sixth Form students. This will allow school to provide students with a range of valuable opportunities to support them in their Sixth Form studies and to prepare them for their next steps after Sixth Form.

All students will therefore be required to select from a suite of constructive and invaluable online courses. Students will be supported in selecting a relevant course which links to their chosen subjects and career plans. Students will have an additional timetabled lesson in order to fulfil this statutory requirement which will both prepare them for later life and further enrich their programme of study.  

These additional hours are now a compulsory part of the programme of study for all Sixth Form students nationally and positive engagement is vital in order for students to ensure that they have a comparable range of experiences to their peers in other schools and colleges.