
News From Our School

St Julie’s shines a light on Child Exploitation

Mar 18, 2021

St Julie’s shines a light on Child Exploitation

On 18 March 2021 St Julie’s will be lit up claret and pink to raise awareness of #CEADAY21.

‘Don’t judge. Don’t blame. #SaySomething’ will be the focus of the awareness raising campaign and will look at criminal and sexual exploitation, modern slavery, trafficking and the exploitation of children who are vulnerable.

There will be  many activities through the day, including designing and making ‘Helping Hands’ to give a visual representation of what we can all do to tackle CE in homes, communities and schools. Together, we can put an end to this misery that affects thousands of children in the UK, who are coerced and threatened into activities such as County Lines.

There will be visiting speakers from Merseyside Police, Mental Health, Safeguarding and Local Authority Support Services. Then, as the sun goes down on a busy and productive day, the light will begin to shine on St Julie’s three school buildings to highlight the social media campaigns on #SaySomething and #Helping Hands. So, don’t judge, don’t blame! Say something and do your bit to end Child Exploitation.

We have been sharing the video below with our students. Just hit the pause button if you need more time to read a slide!