
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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'Something's Not Right'

Dec 14, 2020

'Something's Not Right'

St Julie's are proudly supporting the 'Something's Not Right' campaign.

The campaign has been created by the Home Office in response to evidence that suggests young people faced a greater risk of sexual abuse, criminal exploitation and domestic abuse due to the impact of coronavirus.

'Something's Not Right' is targeted at 13 – 18 year olds in England who have become victim to these harms.

'Something's Not Right' has been developed in close collaboration with the NSPCC, Barnardo's, The Children's Society, Internet Watch Foundation and the Marie Collins Foundation.

The campaign aims to increase young people's:

  • Confidence in identifying the indications of abuse including sexual, physical, relationship and criminal exploitation; and
  • Awareness and understanding of how to respond to instances of abuse and exploitation (the reporting channels and support service channels both for themselves and their friends)

Children will be served adverts on social media platforms, including Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. These will direct them through to the campaign web page: