
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

ImagiNation Short Film Opportunity

May 30, 2020

ImagiNation Short Film Opportunity
19 of the UK’s most exciting writers have written a collection of stories for the nation, exploring humanity and the unprecedented circumstances we are currently living in.  
Now it’s over to you to perform and record them.
Go to the website below, read through some scripts and see which one you would like to have a go at. Learn your lines, practice and then record your video (more details on the website - there is a 'How to' to give you some tips from top professionals).   
Recordings can be submitted until 6pm Wednesday 10th June 2020 through the upload link below.
The video footage will then be edited into a short film; a patchwork of stories told by a multitude of voices that will be available for you to see

This is a great project for you to be involved in and something exciting to put on your CV, especially if you are hoping to continue with acting/performing arts, after school. You never know who might see your recording. Please email Miss Douglas for help and advice.
Miss Douglas recommends, 'Tactile Nature' by Daniel Ward. This is a poem that will challenge you to look at vocal and physical skills separately and combined, seeing what effective this can have on your performance.