
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Opening Our Doors for Open Evening!

Jun 27, 2019

Opening Our Doors for Open Evening!

We've had a fantastic time meeting new people at our Open Evening!

It is always a pleasure to open our doors to visitors and there was plenty for them to see and do as they toured our school.

An exploration of historic objects was a great spectacle in Humanities, with some mind games - of the fun kind - happening in Social Sciences. Pizza crafting in the Catering room was enjoyed by many visitors, whilst healthier options could be found along the corridor in ICT in the form of a carrot piano, buzzed by a low flying drone!

In Science we enjoyed lots of sights, sounds and smells as we blew gas bubbles, investigated dissected hearts and crushed cans with the power of heat. Along the corridor we explored the world with some great thinkers in RE and some language and culture in the Modern Foreign Languages department. Art and craft skills could both be tested in Design Technology with some creative manufacturing going on.

In English we watched a developing story with dozens of authors grow throughout the evening, and in Maths we could test our recognition skills identifying some multifaceted polyhedrons.

In the theatre and dance studio our visitors go the chance to experience the atmosphere of live rehearsals as our Summer production numbers were put through their paces.

We'd like to thank everybody who came along to visit us this evening - we hope you enjoyed it!