
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Flying The Flag Against Homophobia

May 21, 2019

Flying The Flag Against Homophobia

Friday, 17th May was International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia and at break the bell sounded in the Peace Garden at St. Julie’s inviting students and staff to gather for a voluntary service.

As the crowd came together, Mr Anderson – our chaplain – spoke about our Mission Statement commitment to respecting and embracing the diversity of all God’s people linking it to the Biblical story of Noah, the rainbow, the dove and olive branch.

Then in the midst of the olive trees in our Peace Garden, Isobel raised a rainbow flag as an acknowledgement that it is in accepting and celebrating diversity that peace is grown.

As the flag went up the flagpole a spontaneous round of applause broke out before all who were gathered offered each other a sign of peace.