
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Humanities Challenge Graduation

Jun 12, 2018

Humanities Challenge Graduation

On Monday we celebrated the completion of some stars of Year 7 and 8 who have been attending the Humanities Challenge Club at lunchtime for the last 6 weeks with Mrs Bashford.

They were set the task of researching and presenting their response to the task title; ‘Overpopulation, Save or Forfeit?’

Pupils worked in small groups to decide what the world should do in response to global overpopulation, examining historical approaches to this issue as well as contemporary geographical thinking on the topic. The pupils did a fantastic job, and presented their information to the Humanities staff for the winners to be chosen. It was a close run, but the winners were a well deserving Ella, Hannah, Olivia  and Eloise - congratulations girls, and enjoy spending your Love2Shop vouchers!