
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Year 9 Student Gets a Kick Out of First Competition

Feb 6, 2017

Year 9 Student Gets a Kick Out of First Competition

Congratulations to Rebecca White from Year 9 who placed third in the WMO National Kick Boxing competition at the weekend despite it being her first fight!

Rebecca trains in Gemini Boxing in Speke under Danny Rigby, and she fought in the under 65kg category in two fights which were the frst and second fights that she's ever had. 

Despite her inexperience, Rebecca showed great discipline and control across both of her fights, to finish with a medal for third place in the competition. Following her medal win, she will now go on to compete in the World Championships in Dublin in October.

Rebecca said that her biggest battle was probably against nerves: "I was petrified before both of my fights, especially as I've never even sparred in training. I managed to keep a cool head though and am delighted to have had such success at my first event. I'd like to say a huge thanks to all of my trainers for their belief in me. I'm really looking forward to Dublin."