
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Birthday bike ride to Birkdale!

Sep 20, 2016

Birthday bike ride to Birkdale!
Following on the success of the Team GB cycling squad in the Olympics and Paralympics, Team SJ cycling squad headed off from school at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, 18th September.  

The team – some of whom were kitted out in lycra – were aiming to cycle to Birkdale to the convent of Sisters of Notre Dame to celebrate St. Julie’s birthday!  Hold on, that was 12th July, you may say quite correctly, but we’d had to cancel that particular trip for a variety of reasons – one being that the stabilisers for Mr. Anderson’s bike hadn’t arrived!

Anyway, the five intrepid cyclists headed off and, some 4 hours later (following stops for coffee, cake, jelly babies and ice creams), they arrived and were joined by their excellent backup team!

At the convent they chatted with the Sisters and held a special service in this Year of St. Julie involving some singing and the passing of the Spirit of St. Julie baton.  Then they all sang a belated “Happy Birthday” to St. Julie and tucked into birthday cake.

As always, it was good to re-assure the Sisters that the work of educating young women in Liverpool, which the Sisters of Notre Dame started in 1851, is continuing.  They, in turn, promised to keep us all in their prayers. 

A marvellous time was had by all and plans are afoot for an even longer trip.  Sheffield here we come!