
News From Our School

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Across The Generations

Nov 21, 2018

Across The Generations

On Tuesday, 20th November, 2018, eight new members of our Overwhelm Music Ministry Team visited the Convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Childwall.   They led the singing at the annual Mass of Remembrance for former students of Notre Dame Schools in Liverpool and they did an excellent job, singing both old and new hymns with enthusiasm.

Their presence in immaculate uniform brought back memories for the former students, some of whom are in their 90’s, including Mr Anderson’s mum!  Lots of stories were shared from when they were first starting at a Notre Dame school and it was a wonderful celebration of the spirit of St. Julie – the smiling saint!

It was particularly exciting for our students to meet Sr Kevin, SND, who was Headteacher at our school throughout the 1980’s.  In fact, Sr Kevin was Head when we were named St. Julie’s following the merger of Notre Dame, Woolton and La Sagesse High School.

We are already looking forward to meeting up again next year when we will be marking the 50th Anniversary of the canonisation of St. Julie! 

Don't forget that the latest news from our Chaplaincy is always available on the Chaplaincy website.