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St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

Year 9 Highlight Humanitarian Aid

Jan 24, 2018

Year 9 Highlight Humanitarian Aid

9 Rigby, led by Mr Quinn, have delivered a thought provoking and moving assembly on the theme of Humanitarian Aid. 

They told their year group that the main cause of the need for assistance was not natural disasters but actually wars! 

They then revealed some chilling statistics about the numbers of people affected - including the 20,000,000 of our sisters and brothers in Yemen who need humanitarian aid - food, shelter, blankets and medicine. 

They highlighted the song by Beyoncé "I was here" which reminds us that each individual life is important and that each individual can make a difference to others. 

The assembly concluded with the opportunity to think and pray about how we respond to others in this week when our Mission Statement theme is 'fairness, care and compassion.

Well done to all involved!