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Awards Evening 2017

Apr 27, 2017

Awards Evening 2017

Wednesday, 5th April, 2017 was a big day in the life of St. Julie’s and the school took over the Chapel at Liverpool Hope University for two major events. 

The first was our Foundation Day marking 166 years since the arrival in the City of Liverpool of the Sisters of Notre Dame who founded our school.

The second was our Annual Awards Evening when students, parents, governs and staff gathered to celebrate the many and varied achievements of the wonderful young people in our Catholic learning community.  It was an emotional evening as proud families delighted in seeing their children receive public recognition and praise. 

It was great to see some ‘old faces’ returning to receive awards along with, of course, current students. As well as subject prizes, there were awards named after inspirational people in our school’s history and the recipients were very proud to have been deemed to have walked in such esteemed footsteps.  There were awards, too, for those who have made outstanding contributions to living out the strands of our Mission Statement.  The ceremony also involved terrific performances from our choir and dance company.

The evening culminated in the announcement of the winners of the Notre Dame Awards.  These awards reflect the ideals of and words of St. Julie, our patron saint. The winners of these prestigious awards were:

Hearts as Wide as the World – Natasha Highton (Y10)

Angel of Peace – Caitlin Gill (Y9)

Simplicity of Spirit – Speranza Rufolo (Y10)

Sunflower – Brighid Nesbitt-Scott (Y11)

Treasure of the Community – Ivy Reader (Y13)

Courageous Souls – Amy Bradley (Y10) and Emily Chapman-Roe (Y12)

Serving the Good God – Olivia Murphy-Herdman (Y9)

The final award was The Spirit of St. Julie Award which goes to the student who has most epitomised the spirit of the extraordinary women – Julie Billiart – after whom our school is names.   This, the most prestigious of our awards, was presented by presented by Sr. Margaret Walsh, SND, and Mr. Alderman to Megan Lester in Year 12.

Congratulations to all our award winners!