
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Livepool is a City of Readers!

Jul 18, 2014

Livepool is a City of Readers!
Over the summer holidays there are a range of fantastic events being hosted by The City of Readers and The Reader Organisation at Calderstones Mansion in Calderstones Park.

Local author, Frank Cottrell Boyce, is writing an online novel The Menlove Treasure which will be published in chapters. The first chapter will be released on The City of Readers website on 21st July. (Please see this document for ideas of how parents can interact with this novel and develop their children's reading skills.)

At Calderstones Mansion, a range of authors, including the ever popular Cathy Cassidy, will be visiting and young people will have a chance to meet them and particpate in a variety of activities. In addition, there are theatre performances and plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of literature.

Do something different this summer holiday: read!