
News From Our School

Liverpool Public Health Survey

Mar 23, 2024

Liverpool Public Health Survey

Public Health at Liverpool City Council have commissioned a survey about school nursing services and are looking for young people aged 11-19 to participate, for which they will pay a fee. This from them:

“We’re reaching out to help find young people aged 11-19 who might like to take part in a paid research project that is happening during April. The researchers are looking for people to do a confidential interview for an hour (telephone or videocall), and anyone who takes part will be given £50. The project is about the local School Nursing services, understanding the needs of young people and experiences of the services available. This research will be used understand how the services could be developed.

The interviews are being undertaken by an independent organisation called Define, who have been commissioned to understand young peoples’ needs, wants and ideas for developing the School Nursing services. Their job is only to listen to opinions and make recommendations for services based on this and they do not share details of anyone who takes part.

For anyone under the age of 16 we would need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to take part. If you are under 16 we would need to explain the project to your parent/guardian and get their permission by responding to an email.

If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16 who you think would be interested, we’ll explain the project to you and get your permission before speaking to your child.

If you are interested in finding out more, please email with your preferred contact number (for under 16s you must provide a parent number/name) or call Define on 0208 346 7171 and ask to speak to Julie Taylor about the Liverpool Young People project. If you contact them there is no obligation to take part but they will explain more and you can decide if you would like to.”