
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

TravelSafe Text Reporting Line

Mar 13, 2024

TravelSafe Text Reporting Line

The TravelSafe Partnership operates a text reporting line for anyone who sees or experiences unwanted attention or sexual harassment while travelling by bus.

Passengers can report it discreetly and safely to the TravelSafe Partnership by texting SAFER to 65007, providing details of the incident including the date, time, location and route number, if it’s known.

Using their extensive CCTV system on buses and at bus stations, control room staff will then be able to monitor the behaviour, identify where sexual harassment and violence is taking place, and work with the police to bring perpetrators to justice.

This text message service was specifically requested by young people, who said they felt this would be the method they would feel most comfortable using to report behaviour which made them feel unsafe.