
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

NAW: BBC present to Year 10!

Feb 8, 2024

NAW: BBC present to Year 10!

On Thursday we welcomed former student Emily as a guest speaker. Emily spoke to Year 10 students about her experiences of being an apprenticeship on the BBC Production Fastrack Course. Emily also offered students a little background into BBC Apprenticeships which you can read about below:

• The BBC recruits over 250 apprentices a year.
• There are 25 different schemes available in the areas of business, digital technology, engineering, journalism, and production.
• Apprenticeships schemes at the BBC are from levels 3 (A-level equivalent) up to level 7 (postgraduate).
• The BBC has apprenticeship placements all over the UK, however, not all schemes’ subjects are available everywhere.
• On successful completion on most apprenticeships, the apprentice is offered a fulltime permanent position at the BBC.

We'd like to thank Emily for coming back into school to see us and hope to hear more from her soon!