Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that we (The Crossing Point) will be running a series of sessions at St Julie’s School in relation to domestic abuse. We will be collaborating with Liverpool Youth for Christ to deliver the sessions on a Monday following the half term break.
“What’s Love Got To Do With It?”
This educational programme is designed especially for young people. We believe it is so important for them to know about domestic abuse, to understand and recognise the signs of an unhealthy relationship and to be able to make safe choices.
There are six sessions to this programme looking at topics ranging from healthy relationships to online abuse. Within a safe learning environment, the discussions and activities help students understand each subject matter, equipping them with knowledge that can positively impact their future.
The programme has been designed for this age group and is delivered at an appropriate level, in a sensitive and caring manner whilst addressing important content to support and equip your child both now and in the future.
Who we are
The Crossing Point is a registered domestic abuse service delivering programmes to schools, churches and communities across Merseyside. The need for such has been seen through our support and recovery programmes with victims of abuse, who have shared that an understanding of relationship dynamics, at an early age, would have helped to avoid abusive relationships in adulthood.
The Crossing Point works from a holistic approach with Christian values – compassion, integrity, kindness and respect for all.
Liverpool Youth for Christ has been working across the city for over 25 years, with a wealth of youth and schools work experience.
If you would like to know more about The Crossing Point you can head to our website. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming sessions, please make contact with the school.
We look forward to meeting the Year 8 students and working with them this spring term.
Yours faithfully,
Diane Jones | Charity Manager
The Crossing Point Domestic Abuse Service