
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Students Engage in Anti-Racism Workshops

Apr 27, 2022

Students Engage in Anti-Racism Workshops

We've been very pleased to welcome Gephte from Education-All into school this week to deliver assemblies and workshops to students in Years 7 and 9.

The overarching aims of Education-All are to:

- Educate: the community on racism, stereotypes and discrimination.  
- Empower: Give young people the platform to research and develop their own thoughts on society through a antiracism lens. 
- Equality: Demonstrate what is truly meant by the term equality and how everybody can impact each other positively regardless of skin colour, race or nationality. 

Following on from the insightful assemblies, smaller groups of students in each of the two year groups will be participating in a six week project designed to educate and empower young people to advocate anti-racist behaviour. Through both social and self awareness the students can strive to have a better impact on their community and wider society.