
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Mental Health and wellbeing Vision Statement

Jan 20, 2022

Mental Health and wellbeing Vision Statement

Vision statement 

In periods of darkness we can only wait for the sun to reappear' St Julie Billiart. 

At St Julie’s we aim to be the sun for our community, actively promoting students and staff emotional wellbeing and mental health. 

We provide a safe and supportive environment where all are welcomed and accepted. We work with students, staff, and parents to develop the culture within our school where wellbeing and mental health are recognised as everyone’s business! 

The Wellbeing Award 

At St Julies, we have been working towards a Wellbeing Award for Schools.  Since starting the award, we have listened to staff, pupils and parents' feedback to develop our mental health and wellbeing strategy. This includes:  

  • Appointing a Change Team and Mental Health Practitioner 
  • Pastoral Support Team 
  • Student wellbeing ambassadors nominated  from each year group 
  • Staff training and CDP
  • Staff wellbeing INSET day 
  • Information events for parents/carers 
  • Currently developing wellbeing spaces for pupils which include a cool down and sensory room
  • Working with agencies such as  Bully Busters, LFC Foundation, Mersyeside Youth Association 
  • YPAS wellbeing clinic every week in school 
  • Working in partnership with CAHMS
We recently sent out a survey which would like you to complete to help us continue to improve our commitment to mental health and wellbeing. Please find the link here.