
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Former Student Leads Inspiring Assembly

Nov 30, 2021

Former Student Leads Inspiring Assembly

We were proud to welcome former student Evie Berry back into school to lead a Year 7 assembly about her degree course.

Now in her third year of study at LJMU reading Zoology, Evie spoke extensively about her course, her career options and her time at St. Julie's!

The students found the assembly both inspiring and enlightening. Have a look at some of their comments:

"It taught me what I could possibly do in university and I didn't realise all the different options!"

"It inspired me to go to university, I didn't really want to go but after listening to Evie it made me realise how great it can be"

"It has inspired me to work hard and do my best because it highlighted what I could achieve in the future"

Thank you to Evie for sharing her time and talents with our students.