
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Sixth Form Welcome Breakfast!

Sep 21, 2021

Sixth Form Welcome Breakfast!

Our Sixth Form students have enjoyed a social activity together as all students gathered for a wellbeing welcome breakfast!

When Sixth Form Progress Leader, Mrs Lyons, met with our mental health and wellbeing ambassadors at their most recent meeting the ambassadors felt well supported and secure in their friendship groups, but realised that pandemic restrictions had taken a toll on the sense of wider community within the Sixth Form.

Today’s breakfast banquet in the Dining Room was one a series of activities that allowed the Sixth Form community to safely engage with each other as a larger body. They were joined by our Sixth Form Tutors who have been instrumental in helping the students settle smoothly into their studies and Sixth Form life.

We’d like to say a big thank you to Mr Walsh and the kitchen team for preparing a superb breakfast with options for all tastes.