
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Congratulations to our Sixth Form Students!

Aug 19, 2011

Congratulations to our Sixth Form Students!
Congratulations to all of our students who have yet again achieved some excellent results. We would like to share some of our success stories with you.


Rachel Hampson

Rachel successfully achieved ABBB grades and has been accepted onto her first choice course at The University of Liverpool to study a History degree.

Louise Kidd

Louise successfully achieved AAAA grades and has been accepted onto her first choice course at Newcastle University to study a Biomedical Science degree.

Jennifer Scattergood

Jennifer successfully achieved AAABB grades and has been accepted onto her first choice course at The University of Leeds to study an Environmental Management degree course.

Alice Taylor

Alice successfully achieved AAAA*B grades and has been accepted onto her first choice course at Cambridge University to study a Geography degree.

We are very proud of all of our St. Julie's Sixth Form students who have gained places in a number of universities across the country. Students have also successfully achieved places at College to begin Foundation degree courses or have opted for pathways straight into employment or training. Thank you to all parents/carers and staff who have all contributed and supported students through Sixth Form and guided them onto their next steps.