
News From Our School

Earth Science...On Mars!?

Feb 24, 2021

Earth Science...On Mars!?

Nasa's Mars Rover, Perseverance, has finally touched down on Mars, thanks in no small part to the efforts of Strategic Mission Commander Pauline Hwang, pictured. 

It is one of a number of rovers that have been and will be sent to Mars to carry out crucial experiments. Lots of these experiments are very much linked to Geography and the History of the planet.

Perseverance will be looking at rock type on the planet and analysing the physical processes that may have occurred in the past there. These physical processes are very similar to what you all study in Geography all the way from Year 7 to Year 13.

Those geological samples can then tell us the history of the planet and might hopefully mean we can make further predictions about future life on Mars. So, as we come up to Careers week shortly, don't forget that studying Geography and History can actually take you out of this world with their future possibilities!