
News From Our School

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Staggered Return

Dec 18, 2020

As you may be aware from the news, secondary schools were this week informed that pupils in Years 7 - 10 and Year 12 would not be returning to school on Monday 4th January and would instead return on Monday 11th January, as part of a 'staggered' approach aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19. 

Pupils in Years 11 and 13 will be returning as planned on Monday 4th January. 

The guidance can be viewed here:

 The only pupils who are exempt from this and who are eligible to return are:

1 - Pupils in Years 7 to 10 for whom all household carers are critical workers, as defined in the link here:

2 - Pupils in Years 7-10 and 12 who the school feel are in particular need of in-school support 

If school believe that you child is in Category 2, you do not need to do anything at present. You will be contacted and your daughter invited back into school on 4th January.

As school identified all pupils in Category 1 in May/June 2020, we will contact those parents/carers to invite those pupils back to school on 4th January.

If your daughter is in Years 7-10 or Year 12, and you are not contacted by school, your daughter will return on Monday 11th January.

As stated above your daughter is in Year 11 or Year 13, she will return as planned on Monday 4th January. 

Thank you