
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Well Being Boxes

Nov 30, 2020

Monday 30 November 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,

Re: Well-Being Boxes

At St. Julie’s Catholic High School, we ensure the highest standard of support for all students. This was recognised by OFSTED in April 2018, when we secured an Outstanding grade for Personal Development and Welfare, ‘a high moral code, respect for others and high aspirations are three of the most striking features of pupils’ excellent personal development’. 

Unfortunately, 56% of girls lose confidence during puberty. Girls are more likely to blame themselves when something goes wrong, apologise when they give their opinion, over-think decisions and dwell on mistakes. At St. Julie’s Catholic High School, we want to arm your daughter with the tools she needs to combat the confidence gap and show the world that doing things #LikeAGirl is amazing.

There are a range of ongoing programmes, activities and workshops which take place across school to support health, well-being and confidence. Through our PSHE programme, daily assemblies and whole school events we develop each of the key skills required to support your daughter as she moves through each year group. Recently we have had a key focus on mental health, resilience and well-being. Progress Leaders and Senior Leaders have delivered assemblies on each of the key topics and provided links and resources to show your daughter that we have every confidence in her ability to succeed, build resilience and provide the necessary tools in how to deal with difficult situations.

To support your daughter with her health and confidence, we have provided each female member of staff, with a ‘Well Being’ box. Each box contains: free sanitary products; breakfast bars; hair bobbles; stationery; spare tights and underwear. If your daughter requires any of the free products she can ask any female member of staff. This will be dealt with discreetly and without fear of embarrassment.

As a school, we will help your daughter to take on all the changes of puberty and bloom into the confident young woman she was born to be. Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any questions about this campaign. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs K McCourt
Deputy Headteacher KS3/4