
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Friday Live at Eight Fifty Five!

Nov 23, 2020

Friday Live at Eight Fifty Five!

On Friday, 20th November, at 8:55 a.m., we streamed our first weekly broadcast into all Form Rooms and offices.   

Entitled Friday LIVE – 8:55, this snappy video bulletin features a weekly round-up of events, shoutouts and an invitation to prayer. 

This week, Head Prefect Madi and Deputy Head Prefect Nancy announced - in Ant and Dec style - the results of the House Merit Cup competition for the first half of this Advent Term.   They did a wonderful job offering congratulations to Arrowsmith who headed the table with Therese and Nugent following close behind. 

Mr Anderson, our Chaplain, then filled us in on Anti-Bullying week and some wonderful Artwork from Y7 and Y12 before focusing in on Transgender Day of Remembrance and World Children’s Day.  

The broadcast closed with a prayer video voiced by Hannah, Layla and Abi in Year 9 – and you can see that using this Chaplaincy website link

Special thanks to our IT Support Team for doing the considerable legwork in facilitating this and we look forward to more of Friday LIVE – 8:55