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Outreach activities at University Liverpool Maths School

Oct 6, 2020

Outreach activities at University Liverpool Maths School

ULMaS plan to offer several online maths courses starting up over the next few weeks aimed at a wide range of secondary and A Level students that  will be extremely useful both for giving ambitious young mathematicians a heightened focus, and supporting them to hone their algebra skills after a lengthy period out of schooling.

Courses for Year 8 to 12 will commence after half term, but more immediately a course aimed at Year 13 maths university applicants is starting this week. This will be of particular interest to any student planning to take an admissions test like the Oxford MAT, TMUA or STEP, as the focus will be on tackling this different style of problem using existing mathematical knowledge, but any keen mathematicians are welcome to join. This course will run each Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30, from Thursday 8th October onwards. Courses are available for anybody to apply to. Application is through a brief Google Form, which can be accessed through the ULMS website at: