
News From Our School

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Six Months On!

Oct 2, 2020

Six Months On!

This week, St. Julie’s held a live broadcast service from the Chapel to mark 6 months on from the beginning of lockdown.  The service streamed to all classrooms and workstations so all members of the school community on site could safely participate at the same time. 

The service included readings and prayers, a minute’s silence and a clap for local lockdown heroes!  The Dance Company performed movingly to “Come as you are” by Crowder and a video entitled “In Years to Come” was played, featuring our Drama Group.  Ruby made a stunning debut singing “Stand by Me” and, to replace our usual wholehearted congregational singing, the whole school was invited to sign along to a special Makaton blessing “The Lord bless you and keep you”.  

Year 9 students ran the service completely in terms of presentation, performance and from a technical point of view. New skills were learnt as camera operators, vision mixers and sound engineers ensured students and staff could witness and participate in the service. 

It was an important way to mark what has been a challenging six months. 

You can watch the service in full here.