
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

LSCP Survey

Sep 16, 2020

LSCP Survey

Could you take a few moments to respond to a survey for young people from the Liverpool Safeguarding Childrens Partnership?

The LSCP are surveying for input into a new programme. Here's their brief:

"Upon being commissioned by the NSPCC, the LSCP Young Advisors hope to gather information on young people’s awareness of sexual abuse, and whether they feel the development of a new campaign to inform young people (11+) about the importance of healthy relationships, and peer to peer sexual abuse and consent would be successful or not.

The NSPCC currently promotes ‘Talk PANTS’ to children aged 4-8 years - and they would like to develop something for older young people that is about peer-to-peer relationships.

They are hoping to create a new set of resources which will help young people recognise unhealthy relationships and know where to go for support.

The Young Advisors would like input from young people to find out if they think a campaign would work, what would make it successful and any alternative ideas on what they think would be a good way to educate young people about sexual abuse/healthy relationships."

If you're able to help, you can find the anonymous survey here.