
News From Our School

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Year 11 Celebrate

Jul 1, 2020

Year 11 Celebrate

On Wednesday, 24th June, 2020 all over the city, Year 11 students and their families settled down to watch the Year 11 Celebration service.  Delivered via YouTube, it came online at 3:15 p.m. enabling participants to watch it at the same time. 

With links provided by our Deputy Head Prefects, Layla and Katie , staff reflected on this fantastic cohort of students - the Intake of 2015.  Photos from the last 5 years were viewed and there were, no doubt, some squeals of delight at seeing the first day photos from 2nd September 2015!   The highlight, though, was the address given by Head Prefect, Gemma, who spoke with passion and common sense - delivering an inspirational speech!

The service is still available on the Chaplaincy website.