
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Past Pupils Offer Accessible Case Studies!

Jun 11, 2020

Past Pupils Offer Accessible Case Studies!

Year 12 dance students have been working hard during lockdown completing their case studies on professional artists - with a local twist!

Although the case study artists are working in diverse areas, profesionally and geographically, they all studied at St. Julie's!

Laura Morgan is working for the BBC, Ellie Birchall is a Dance Captain at a new show in Paris, and Megan Wade is dance and lead at Disneyland!

Our past pupils were all generous with their time and were interviewed about the pros and cons of working in the entertainment industry, offering tips for how to perservere when professional times are tough, and of course the struggles during the pandemic lockdown!

Thank you to all three professional artists for offering their time and talents to our students.