
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Baked To Perfection!

May 11, 2020

Baked To Perfection!

During each week of lockdown, Mrs Whitfield has been putting up lots of recipes on the VLE for Hospitality and Catering classes to try out at home. 

The students have been cooking at home and developing skills they have learned in school. This will not only help to improve the practical skills needed for their exam  but is also a lovely way to relax after doing their home school work every day.

Some of our pupils have said how they have been cooking with their families  (including younger brothers and sisters) and even taking their completed dishes to family members who cannot get out.

Our 'star Baker' last week was Chloe in Year 10 - Well done Chloe.

Charlee in Year 10 has also made a beautiful VE Day Victoria sponge that Mary Berry herself would be proud of!