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Home Based Students Tackle 150,000 Questions!

Apr 6, 2020

Home Based Students Tackle 150,000 Questions!

In a challenging set of circumstances, our students have risen to the challenge of home working with alacrity, answering 150,000 questions in science alone!

Our science teachers are very proud of the pupils’ efforts during the school closure. In the 2 week period between closure and the Easter break, our students answered over 150,000 Science questions on our online platform.

We know that people may be facing additional challenges at this time, so we appreciate the hard work even more than usual. Extra special mention to the leading classes in each year group; 7q1, 8p1, 9Tr, 10p1 and 11p2. There are also science badges ready and waiting for the school reopening for Sophie L (9Tr), Anna C (10p1) and Alice B (10p2) for answering the most questions during this period.

Going forward, further science award badges will be available for effort. Well done to all of our students.