
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Year 11 Art Students Explore Ceramics

Feb 13, 2020

Year 11 Art Students Explore Ceramics

A group of Year 11 students have had the opportunity to work with the contemporary glass artist Cait Walker.

The students are familiar with Cait’s work as it features throughout the school.

Over 3 after-school sessions, the students were introduced to the process of glass making, created a tester glass tile and a final outcome linked to their natural forms coursework.

This was a great experience for the students as they were able to have creative input and access to the expertise of a practising artist. The work will be used to support the creative making and artist research elements of their coursework.

We'd like to say a big thank you to Cait for sharing her knowledge and skills and to the students for their enthusiasm and involvement.