
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Sixth Form Open Night Ushers in Leading Performance

Jan 24, 2020

Sixth Form Open Night Ushers in Leading Performance

Our Sixth Form Open Evening co-incided with the publication of league table data showing St. Julie's to be the best performing Girls' School Sixth Form provider in the city!

Visitors to our Open Evening enjoyed a great opportunity to meet our staff and students and find out in detail what it means to be part of the vibrant Sixth Form community at St. Julie's.

During the keynote presentation in the Chapel, visitors were able to see the newly published table which places St. Julie's sixth overall among the city's 16-18 providers, and the leading Girls' school provider.

This gave confidence to our visitors that St. Julie's Sixth Form would be an excellent choice. Applications are open now, and you can find the application form here.