
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Emergency Service from 7 Rigby

Jan 22, 2020

Emergency Service from 7 Rigby

7 Rigby presented a wonderfully thought out assembly in the Chapel on the Emergency Services on Tuesday this week.

They alerted us to the crucial roles that the Police, Paramedics and Fire Fighters play in keeping us safe and how, sometimes unfortunately, they are not respected by the very people they are serving. 

Using a mix of commentaries, slides, video clips and role play, 7 Rigby skilfully linked their ideas and even related what they were talking about to the wildfires in Australia.  It was an excellent assembly well received by the rest of Year 7.   

It closed with the following prayer:

 Loving God,
We give thanks for the dedication, courage and compassion
of all who work in the Emergency Services. 

They are ordinary people doing extraordinary work!

May their jobs give them satisfaction!
May their example inspire others!
May the communities they serve make them feel valued and appreciated!

We ask St. Julie to join her prayers to ours as we say:

St. Julie: pray for us, protect us and bless us.