
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Students Meet Holocaust Survivor

Nov 11, 2019

Students Meet Holocaust Survivor

Two Sixth Form Students who are visiting Auschwitz this week have been able to contextualise their experience by meeting a Holocaust survivor.

Elle and Georgia are making the visit as part of arrangements by the Holocaust Education Trust, and the prelimenary work included a seminar at Manchester at which the students got the opportunity to meet and hear Marla, who was in a concentration camp with Anne Frank.

During her time in incarceration Marla had to think on her feet, at one point lying about her age to prevent being killed. Both she and her sibling survived the experience, though Marla did not come to know that her sibling had survived until a year after her liberation. The rest of her family were sadly killed.

Both students found Marla's story deeply moving and it reinforced in them the importance of the journey they are about to undertake.