
News From Our School

St. Julie's Gains Silver Attendance Quality Mark!

Oct 3, 2019

St. Julie's Gains Silver Attendance Quality Mark!

After a rigorous assessment, St. Julie's has been awarded the Silver Liverpool Attendance Quality Mark.

The link between attendance and attainment is well established, and this award represents a quality standard that scrutinises all aspects of our policies, systems, processes, measurements and attitudes relating to attendance right across the school. 

The award investigates 6 key themes, which include:

- Policy Framework
- Leadership and Management
- Effectiveness of Strategies
- Relationships and Engagement
- Use of Data
- Quality of Provision

Our successful accreditation can give parents and carers confidence that when they support us in our work on promoting and maintaining attendance they are engaging with robust and effective systems that serve to improve the educational experience of our students.

We're very proud to gain the award, and would like to thank staff, students, parents and governors for their role in maintaining excellent attendance at St. Julie's.