
News From Our School

Year 8 Mark International Day of Non Violence

Sep 30, 2019

Year 8 Mark International Day of Non Violence

8 Nugent chose International Day of Non-Violence (2nd October) as their topic for assembly this week.  This date, which coincides with the birthdate of Mahatma Gandhi, offered the chance to reflect on our own Peace Garden, Peace Tower and Peace Bell and St. Julie’s ‘preserve the precious treasure of peace carefully’.   

Members of the Form shared information about Gandhi’s approach to non-violent protest and linked it to modern climate change campaigner, Greta Thunberg, who despite being only 16 years old, spoke to world leaders at the United Nations last week, scolding them for their lack of action.

The assembly closed with a heartfelt prayer:

Loving Creator God,

Give us courage to embrace nonviolence in our everyday lives.  

When violence seems like the only answer, help us find another way.

Give us the tenacity to be peace makers not peace breakers.