
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Good Luck to Year 11 Prefects

Sep 27, 2019

Good Luck to Year 11 Prefects

One of the most joyous events of the school year took place in the Chapel on Thursday, 26th September, 2019.   This was the Y11 Prefects Inauguration Ceremony and families gathered in support of their daughters who have been appointed prefects. 

After an introduction by Miss Gawley, Mr Willis spoke about our Notre Dame Heritage.  Emily (one of last year’s Deputy Head Prefects) then shared some thoughts about the joys and challenges of being a prefect.  Our Headteacher, Mr Alderman, reflected on the role of a prefect as being one of service quoting St. Julie, Mahatma Gandhi and Jesus in a thought-provoking address.

We were then treated to a performance of The Flower Duet sung in perfect harmony by 6th Formers Anna and Evie before the presentation of certificates and badges to the newly robed prefects.   Gemma (Head Prefect), Layla and Katie (Deputy Head Prefects) gave a short and heartfelt presentation on how they see their roles before the ceremony ended with a special blessing prayer and a video of the prefects’ first day in school way back on 2nd September, 2015.

Then there were loads of photos as proud family members documented this happy day – which was extra special for one of the new prefects, Rachel, who was celebrating her 16th birthday!