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Sixth Formers take studying Tourism to a new level!

Jun 7, 2019

Sixth Formers take studying Tourism to a new level!

Some of the Year 12 students studying the Level 3 Applied Diploma in Tourism had the opportunity to learn about what they will be studying in a practical way this week when they were able to make a guided tour of both the Liverpool Mercantile Waterfront UNESCO site and then the Royal Liver Building. Pupils were guided around the building, learned about its history and had the amazing experience of going up to the 15th floor observation deck to see the clock faces and famous Liver Birds up close. 

The students loved the experience and benefited greatly from seeing how a good guided tour should run -something they have to do for themselves as part of their coursework in Year 13. It was a great day all round, and both the students and staff were relieved they made it up and back down 124 spiral staircase steps without too much loss of breath!