
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

1804 Society Applications Are Open!

Apr 24, 2019

1804 Society Applications Are Open!

Could you be the right person to carry out an important role in our prestigious 1804 Society? Applications are now open!

Applications from Year 12 students are invited for the following positions:

Head Girl
Deputy Head Girl (2 posts)
Celebration co-ordinator
Service co-ordinator
Communication co-ordinator
Heads of house (6 posts)

Together these posts form the 1804 Society which carries out important work, both ceremonial and practical, representing the students of our school community. The duties require commitment and dedication, as well as more specialised skills related to each role.

Whilst it goes without saying that being part of the Society reflects well in UCAS applications, it also gives opportunties for leadership and project management that will serve members well throughout their lives.

Application forms are available from the Sixth Form office now and must be returned by Monday 29th April.