
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Mono Challenge

Feb 28, 2019

You may be aware of recent press and social media coverage about Momo or the Momo Challenge. 

The following article from the BBC News website gives a good overview of this issue and makes the following key points, based on police advice:

Parents should:

  • Ensure they know what their children can access online
  • Ensure children understand the importance of not giving personal information to anyone they do not know
  • Tell their children no-one has the right to make them do anything they do not want to do
  • Use parental controls to keep children safe

The challenge is essentially a hoax as ‘Momo’ is clearly not a ‘real’ character and there is no evidence that anyone purporting to be ‘Momo’ can hack people’s devices of force their image to appear on anyone’s phone. 

The main lesson to remember is that is vital that parents have regular conversations with their children about their online activities and create an environment where their child is able to share any concerns they have about things they have seen online that has caused them upset.

Please also read this summary notice of useful information.