
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Do You Want to Build A Snowman?

Jan 30, 2019

Do You Want to Build A Snowman?

In the midst of all the excitement of the snowfall this morning, two of our Sixth Formers, Natasha and Emily, ventured forth into the Peace Garden at St. Julie's.

They created Roger, a wonderful snowman, before turning their attention to the Peace Garden of hardy olive trees itself.  They decided to put their own stamp, as you can see, on this special part of our school premises!

People have observed that the humble snowflake is one of nature's most fragile creations, but they can cause chaos when they unite in numbers! Channelling that 'strength through unity' principle, we'd like to thank all of the members of staff who battled into school this morning only to pick up a brush and help out with snow clearing to maintain pathways around the site. Their help was much appreciated!