
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Flying the Flag for St. Julie

Jul 17, 2018

Flying the Flag for St. Julie

In honour of St. Julie's birthday, a team of 12 students and 3 staff are visiting the Heritage Centre in Namur, Belgium, to learn about St. Julie's life and work.

The team have visited the Convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and the first school that St. Julie founded. 

The flag that you can see in the photos below is the same flag that we took to Namur in 2016 as part of the Year of St. Julie festivities that celebrated the legacy that Julie left us for 200 years after her death in 1816.

The students are carrying a Notre Dame cross with them throughout the day, which included a river cruise of the Meuse, the river that runs alongside Namur. You can see in the photo that the cruiser is passing through the system of locks that enables river traffic to negotiate the weir.

One of the photos shows that the students had reached the steps of the Heritage Centre, and discovered more about the amazing story within, under the guidance of the Curator, our Chair of Governors Sr Margaret Walsh SND.

Thank you to the staff and students for representing us on this special occasion.