
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Shoeboxes Full Of Love

Dec 5, 2017

Shoeboxes Full Of Love

Some exceptional Year 8 students have been rallying support for 'A Shoebox Full of Love'.   This local charity gathers donations to help ease the plight of homeless and vulnerable individuals and families over Christmas.

Maisie, Ella, Ella, Ava and Jessica led a prayerful assembly about the charity and why we are called to make a difference.  Then, they chased and encouraged their fellow students and staff to bring stuff in!   On 4th December, 2017, they gathered the donations together and transported them to Rocky Lane Medical Centre – the nearest drop-off point to St. Julie’s.

Thanks to all who participated in this effort because those hats, scarves and toiletries will make a difference to people who need a little love at Christmas.