
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Sixth Form Devise Trip To Cadbury World

Nov 14, 2017

Sixth Form Devise Trip To Cadbury World

On Monday 13 November the Sixth Formers from St. Julie's took a trip to Cadbury World as part of their A Level course in Travel and Tourism. 

The A2 pupils have to organise an event for their coursework this year, so they chose to organise taking the AS pupils to Cadbury World!  The focus of the trip was on the customer service that Cadbury World offers to its visitors, as AS pupils have to investigate a company and evaluate its customer service provision. 

We observed lots of great customer service in action, and had a presentation and talk from staff there about their work, and it was a great success, both in terms of the organisational skills of the A2 group, and in terms of providing excellent material for the AS pupils to use in their coursework. 

The success of the day may have also been helped by chocolate being given out to us all on numerous occasions as we visited the attraction!