
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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St. Julie's Becomes Part of Thousand Voice Choir

Jun 21, 2017

St. Julie's Becomes Part of Thousand Voice Choir

On Thursday, 15th June, twenty one members of our wonderful Musical Theatre Company went along to the Metropolitan Cathedral to be part of a 'thousand voice choir' specially recruited to sing at the Good Shepherd Mass.

This Mass is organised by and celebrates the work of Nugent (formerly Nugent Care) who provide residential care, education, training and support for many vulnerable people throughout the city.  Incidentally, it is after the founder of this organisation, Fr James Nugent, that our own Nugent forms are named! 

Our singers had practised for a number of weeks with a member of the Cathedral music staff coming in to teach them the challenging pieces of music that were sung.  Needless to say, our young people were terrific throughout the day and played their part well!