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Another Huge Foodbank Donation!

May 22, 2017

Another Huge Foodbank Donation!

On Tuesday, 16th May, 2017 six Year 7 pupils went to Tesco to buy lots of food and other essential items with the £423 that Gabriella raised over Easter. They filled 5 big trolleys and the minibus was packed with boxes. 

The following day, it all went to the Hope+ Foodbank store at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral where the shopping party was met by Nadine Daniels, who runs the foodbank, and Hassain – a wonderful volunteer from Iran.  They told us of the situations that cause people in this great city to have to come to the foodbank and it helped us understand a great deal more the importance of reaching out to our sisters and brothers. The need is so great that some of the boxes went straight into the Hope+ van for distribution that day.

Thanks to all involved: Gabriella, her mum, Alice, Ella, Tilli, Caitlin, Izobel, Emily, Mrs McCourt and to all who regularly contribute by living out our Mission Statement strand to make “fairness, care and compassion” central to the life of our Catholic learning community.