
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

The newest Notre Dame school in the world!

Mar 8, 2017

The newest Notre Dame school in the world!

As we approach the 201st anniversary of St. Julie’s death on 8th April, it’s clear to see that her legacy continues as the latest SND school – Notre Dame Girls Academy, Kuje-Abuja in Nigeria – is well on the way to opening its doors in September.

Headteacher Sr. Maureen Okeke, a real friend of St. Julie’s, is overseeing building work as classrooms and accommodation blocks near completion.  Sr Maureen spent last year studying at Liverpool Hope University and was a frequent visitor.

We are very proud that Sr Maureen chose to mirror the uniform of St. Julie’s for her school and, as you can see from the roadside poster, three of our pupils – Simi, Grace and Charlotte - are its first honorary pupils.

Recruitment of staff is progressing well and applications to be pupils at the new school are starting to come in.

We wish Sr. Maureen every success in our sister school.

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